CSFTA Winter League 2015/16 Results

Carisbrooke Rifle & Pistol Club.

The Central Southern Field Target Association is made up of ten clubs, Basingstoke AR & Pc, BFTO, Southampton Buccaneers, Carisbrooke Rifle & Pistol Club, Christchurch Gun Club, Maidenhead Target & Shooting Club, Meon Valley HFT, Newbury ARC, North Oxon FTC and Wendover Air Rifle Club.

CSFTA Winter League Results 2015/2016

list of all the ten club websites can be found here.

Basingstoke AR & PC
BFTO, Bisley
Carisbrooke Rifle & Pistol Club
Christchurch Gun Club
Maidenhead Target & Shooting Club
Meon Valley HFT
Newbury ARC
North Oxon FTC
Southampton Buccaneers
Wendover Air Rifle Club

Interested in taking part or just want to come along and watch a competition near you.?
Contact us with the form below and we will be glad to help.

Happy Safe Shooting.